Friday, 11 April 2014

A Warrior.

Part 1.

In water was the warriors heart a slumber
Body walking the terrain under rowed lumber 

Longside was Mr Soul in thought to the trail
Deeper we go, don’t fell, don’t fall, don’t snail.

In metal cities were fellows who felled hither
Warriors bodies ‘scaped only by a whiskered slither

Trees a falling on babes in sight of Soul
No arms, no legs, to grab, to reach, to hold 

Wake up Warrior heart, from watery sleep 
Tell thy body to rescue kin in woeful weep

Cries on wind rustled, to leaves, to trunks, to dirt
Earth vibrations roused love in his heart alert.

Part 2

Love was swimming, in the sleep pool soundless
Leaking from deflated lungs, awoken boundless

Strings wept a melody, taken by the currents rocky
Down the river, where man hath been in his body

Walked with sounds of the crunching screams
Pine whispered acoustics across hearts dreams

T’ward the warmth of his beating vessel, did he float
And 'neath the shrubs green, he lay into his heart coat

Aroused alike the living dead, in a forest humming 
Soul stood by the babes just alive, but ears drumming

Body grabbed his heartstrings, and sat upon a mound
To strum a song, to save these babes with sound


Part 3

Words brewing a rainbow storm, sung in the letter  A
Murmuring thunder crashing, where lightning did stray

Down watercolour rivers washed Mr Soul to the shore
Thy deed was done now heart, take off your armour.

For mother and for babes, they rest now with ease
Painted flesh in flowering violets, scented on the breeze

Breast door open wide, flora ran a love-course in veins 
Down hills 'yon the nesting birds, trickling across the plains

Standing in a silent stillness, all in one he had become
A gentle blink, slight water kink and a steady beating drum

Because body met his heart, and soul reached his eyes
Forest once in despair, now flourished under blue skies.


Starring Edward