Saturday, 9 November 2013


Said a traveller by the way
Pausing, "What hast thou to say,
Flower by the dusty road,
That would ease a mortal's load?"

Traveller, hearken unto me!
I will tell thee how to see
Beauties in the earth and Sky
Hidden from the careless eye.
I will tell thee how to hear
Nature's music wild and clear:

Thou shalt see the dawn unfold
Artistries of rose and gold,
And the sunbeams on the sea
Dancing with the wind for glee.
The red lilies of the moors
Shall be torches on the floors,
Where the field-lark lifts his cry
To rejoice the passer-by
In a wide world rimmed with blue,
Lovely as when time was new.
And thereafter thou shalt fare
Light of foot and free from care.

With the many-wintered Sun
Shall thy hardy course be run,
And the bright new Moon shall be
A lamp to thy felicity.
When green-mantled spring shall come
Past thy door with flute and drum,
And when over wood and swamp
Autumn trails her scarlet pomp,
No misgiving shalt thou know, 
Passing glad to rise and go.

What the secret, what the clue
The wayfarer must pursue?
Only one thing he must have
Who would share these transports brave:
Love within his heart must dwell
Like a bubbling roadside well.

Then the traveller set his pack
Once more on his dusty back,
And trudged on for many a mile
Fronting fortune with a smile.

Bliss Carman