Tuesday, 28 May 2013

He d a n c e d with a wolf .

Salted eyes itch the heart cursed with overflowing l u s t . Run away place to be found only by the desolate w h i s p e r of the trees. Thistled toes grow strong and time can be a given g i f t from her, herself. As 'her' is light of day warmth and of guiding light with m o o n s. Dont hold on let footsteps  carry the woe . and breath in pined air as darkness will escape a kind soul. one with and two with           t i m e and space ,t o u c h innocence  face to face, hold your b r e a t h and look to above the skies the wolf is dancing somewhere in time.
> w o l f 
photos by the magnificent  >Simon L. King<