Wednesday, 26 March 2014

A Warrior Part 1.

In water was the warriors heart a slumber
Body walking the terrain under rowed lumber 

Longside was Mr Soul in thought to the trail
Deeper we go, don’t fell, don’t fall, don’t snail.

In metal cities were fellows who felled hither
Warriors bodies ‘scaped only by a whiskered slither

Trees a falling on babes in sight of Soul
No arms, no legs, to grab, to reach, to hold 

Wake up Warrior heart, from watery sleep 
Tell thy body to rescue kin in woeful weep

Cries on wind rustled, to leaves, to trunks, to dirt
Earth vibrations roused that love in his heart alert.

Starring Edward 

Sunday, 16 March 2014

The Case of a Rose

Beauty as the Rose,
Under watchful earthly eyes
She, ever so moved and awoken 
By the beast with two sides.

Two sides: a truth true,
To say of his Spirit though
Intrigued rose Besotted
Lured forth to this bed fellow

A care for her he made
Of this precious petalled cheek
But scorned is his manner
Whilst under the beastly physique.

Wisdom was hers still
A part unchangeable to rest
Her thorns did she thrust to show
Only to bid him from her breast. 


Starring Akaysha.

Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Wind Face.

Indeed was she
That pulled face changed 
On a placid head of a raw soul
And not so was the wind stuck
Hence she drifted away.

He be not a faceless man
Only a man 
And only an animal
Without this face 
And of a sea of faces

He doth have a sea
He doth have the wind 
But not a calm wave 
Nor a still gale
Shall he hath 
To keep a face his

In so
His heart stays faceless 
But shall stay warm 
Til' southerly gusts chill
And makes him stand


Starring Chook.