Sunday, 30 June 2013

c u e r p o

berried bosom seeding life. corruption indefinite inside core with pulsing floating fences
of vines twisting curled spaces into time climbing rose thorns with  rose senses 
coco flower melted into limbs of silk branches with aired mind and defined bone 
backed to sky and stones, wont let water fade impurities until space finds time alone
is the journey inside, awaken lips to light outside and ride life with change in wind
and in mind, lusting hair drags the curls, collection of waves and dew in eyes kind
under, over follow it sober, reality and real deal with the motion un surreal 
peal back the strands from way and look at what worth has been living in all
sing softly with touch as life has the hand, curved rose senses dripped with the fall.
rise again.  > wolf

photos  inspired by one of the works of  Ralph Eugene Meatyard   


Thursday, 27 June 2013

L e b e n

relished mind follow a desert run wild finding self in less a way
to be not only of the world but as a soul can only do
cursed baroness singing tuned melody gay
away with you sinister crow born wild thing sit with me quietly look in
-watch them try
> wolf

Monday, 24 June 2013

s h i i t a k e

calmed whale whines stutter through open pulse veins of rich blood, thickened by thumping base lines

caressing  whistling voices mountain winds not bowing floating to knees deep snow kissing thighs melting cries

rolling hair follicles trickling singing on water with steady currents taking you higher stop , dont stop

holding caressing sonnets, stop, folding wrapping, holding, dont stop, snaking body intwined breasts atop

keyboard highs, pianist suckling whispers, aching and rising as would moons high skied, down and goes

flows my romeo, follow, hollow flutes of distanced time, stop, corrupt mind, filthy cries, undermined by the climb, 

eye gaze knows  > wolf 

Saturday, 22 June 2013

g o d

inside us floating on a door on a river, perspectively swimming on what seems to be a foundation. unlike the boat it opens to undeneath the mind , places not ventured, frollicking spirit with sureness encountered by the sharps, teething corals as enemies surround and faiths become part of the story , book of lives .humans strive as animals survive. milled blackness of hopes in all can be giveth and taken away with a bounce of trickling tingling sound. greyed noise and sun filled iris’ flickering, blinking inside and outside winking, smirking wih no haste no hate have some faith in the being as it was once the animal we all have beyond that floating door.
> wolf 

p o i n t

it has to be momented just right whilst breathing that exact pulse
pulsating question a fault not to hide behind masked , soul attached to a body
bodied soul that cannot be tamed altogether
together in mind kind enough to put a gate on the beats but not to cover it in
beats seeing through covered glass and feels with every part of body
warmest where needed and desired. altogether no running
dont run daisy flower. throw petals into the wind.
> wolf

Friday, 14 June 2013

5 7 seconds

5 7  s e c o n d s in
light bounces coloured off black water, 
thin breaths of cold still air uncalmed from breath alone. 
Shivered legs, 
head in spaces beyond the stars 
in this magnificent organism of rock we breath on so deep,
 lost deep and found deep.
 piano drums flutter the beat and sea eyes fly. 
Wondering of when
 and of beyond stars

b e a t

a n d . as she sits high, life like but not. on the steps looking out wondering where the fuck the humans are going, flying faces and lifeless bird wear. flapping without instinct only to be told to seek south not north. direction is a given. is it? forgiven? high there. and walking in yellow, not alike this person at all. boiled  black colours gold and triangles and lifeless highs and some how fulfilled ground kisses. best where ? heart is. where? strumming of running, hit high notes of this song , short lived humming. back arched to pitches that bump the skin into a place so dark. its travelled by many moon riders, condoned to confinery in one self on this track. running high though. as a pathway lead by running itself. an actual instinct existing finely lining the mind. its enough and enough of the chasing sounds of heavy clouds. never before felt and drumming of pulses and when she moves from that place there can only be light in that forest. pulsating light that strums with the Koo of a woman in soft melodic moans of a song. a song that sings through her body like a wave.a beat, high beats, not repeating as repeating is never the same each wave knocks at a different vein, beating always though. all is needed is a beat for life to continue pumping the life out of the dark. beating in the dark until there is light 

Thursday, 13 June 2013

s i g h t

e y e s  like greyed oceans, skies bounce the light and widen monotones into blue-ish rips pulling in, in dizying spiralled circular waves. and lighter with sharked blackened depths coursing in the centres. lulled. whistles of destiny in her eyes, cold hard ripples, nipples always at water edge. at edge. on. windy goosebumps hit by rays of sun that peak beyond where we cannot breath. and still,longng.endlessly with eyes in sun and eyes of water.depth of unknown into the soul 
doth this go. 

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

h e a t

in two places , pull the blanket over me, quivering passion  its kind,
 touch salty heat, awake dreaming sleeping ,east west mind,

Monday, 10 June 2013

let it c o m e & let b e

Takes his mask off and lulls his head
Then she sees him in the screen

They both see the traps

They w o n ’t go back

They’ve got a mind track

It’s all a mystery

-Veela- let it be - BlackMill > Cheap Assassin 

Sunday, 9 June 2013