Thursday, 21 February 2013

no roof

Opening heart sockets with the windows to the soul, theres many things that will capture your sight but few that will swallow you whole,
heartedly and enlightened with the beauty of the simple things, too long gone has the road of mess toward the wind that sings.
Treasures are few so close to the drum beating heart, eagle soaring, no roof now such a part,
of me and try to run but dont and live and dance truly to this beat.
keep em' close to feel,
free to need and bleed

Tuesday, 19 February 2013


sponged ears, slow motioned breaths in and do they come out? bubble wrapped body suffocating and hidden but breathing and happy, lulling soothed voices in a light hum, ecstasy risen from an intangible place, gut tightens in awareness and wonderings of the ahead road. moment and sunset. not knowing is blessed as is knowing. 

Thursday, 7 February 2013

no name

in this small box in the large world, im in too deep it scares me, I could lose 'stuff; and it not bother my soul because i am loved but im not sure that i love this life yet. to touch my own face feels like a elusion , i am watching me, what and who are you?
what is needed is a hill, and i will feel peace in myself one day to come after which i see what i have been seeking; but thinking the mind over drive can make the appreciation of life itself disappear.
to find such balance is the journeys soul reason to stay alive.
that it was life is.